Great deals

Great deals

Our tips and tricks : a great deal to book an eco-lodges at the Treuscoat !

« Early bird » offer discount

Book a lot in advance of your stay and score an early booking deal !


The offer applies to a limited number of bookings over a given period. Offer valid for online booking only, excluding options, the offer cannot be combined with other discounts. General T&C's applies. For a date change less than the duration of the offer before your initial stay or before your new requested date, the offer is forfeited, a rate adjustment will be charged.

« Multi night stay » offer discount

Stay Longer for Less. Save up with our Multiple Night rates! Whether you are looking to stay 2, 3 or 4 nights, we have a special offer for you. Enjoy your eco-lodges stay for longer at preferential rates !


Offer valid for online booking only, excluding options, cannot be combined with other discounts. General T&C's applies.

« Mid-week » preferential rates

Go for midweek overnight stays during the off-peak season to enjoy the best preferential rates. Treehouse cabins, Treehouse lodges, Yurts, or Tree-dome : the hardest part is to choose !


Our best rates will not be available on weekends, public and school holidays. Price valid for online booking only, excluding options. General T&C's applies. A rate adjustment may occur and will be charged for a change of date requested at least 15 days in advance of your initial stay. It is not possible to request a change of date less than 15 days before your initial stay.

Located in Brittany, near Morlaix (Finistere), the Treuscoat Estate brings together some Eco lodges (tree house cabins, tree house lodges, yurt, Nid’Île tree domes), outdoor activities, an equestrian centre and a well-being space.

Breaking News

Eco lodges booking is now open for 2022/23 season


Here we are ! The planning is open until august 2023.

Perfect time to plan your getaway to Brittany in our sustainable eco lodges.

Winter getaway up in the air ? Our 6 tree house lodges Harris, Lewis, Nessie, Dundee, Kelso and Glasgow await you.
Looking for peaceful time at ground level ? Our modern yurt Tweed and Clyde are available too.
Searching for adventure ? Our tree house cabins Tinto is now open for booking all the year round.


Winter tips ? Private hot tub at your lodge !
Our eco lodges Kelso, Harris and Nessie and our modern yurts Tweed and clyde all have private hot tub (Nordic bath) for you to enjoy a peaceful moment of relaxation.

You fell in love with another lodge ? No worries : our wellness area with hot tub and sauna is also available for booking with your accommodation for an hour session (sauna, hot tub or both).


Christmas and New Year breaks at the Treuscoat

With family or with friends, make this Christmas and New Year one to remember !

Located between the Morlaix Bay and the Arrée Mountain, our eco lodges are insulated and heated for your confort.

And to take full benefits during your festive breaks, Christmas or New Year’s stays are available for a minimum of 2 nights : from 24/12 to 26/12 (no arrivals on 25/12) and from the 31/12 to 02/01 (no arrivals on 01/01).